Strange Bones ft Bob Vylan "Menace" Single Review

Strange Bones featuring Bob Vylan: Menace video
(pic isn't mine) 

The Bentham Brothers and their mate Nathan are back in town! They've teamed up with London grime/punk artist Bob Vylan who supported their show at Werkhaus last December and produced a hot new track titled "Menace"

Menace is exactly what frontman Bobby will tell you, It's different compared to everything else they've released, It actually has a mixture of dubstep, punk and even grime which is introduced during Bob Vylan's part. Strange Bones have grown up listening to old 70s punk from their parents who have been in the punk scene since they were the same age as their sons. But Bobby has stated they love a bit of everything in terms of music but a strongpoint is electronica which inspired Menace and their latest "Blitz Part 2"

I was slightly disappointed at first staying up at midnight for it then discovering it comes out at midnight in New York as that is where the label,FRKST is based so UK fans had to wait until 05:00AM for it to drop! But the morning came and I was awoken to the new, groundbreaking SB track!

Menace is also jam packed with what you would expect from a Strange Bones song no matter what genre it is inspired by! It's loud, It's heavy and most importantly It gets you in the mood to stomp your boots and bang your head against the air. Go show some love and give your speaker a kicking.
