LOAstate- "Love" Debut EP Review

LOAstate 🖤 (@LOAstate) | Twitter


23rd October was a dark day for Greater Manchester and other parts of The North entering Tier 3 lockdown, However LOAstate brightened the whole day up releasing their Debut EP, Love.

LOAstate are like musical Samaritans, If you are ever feeling down, having a bad day or feeling the worst you've ever felt, simply put your headphones, Launch your usual streaming platform and give Love a blast, It will cure you!!

We are met with 4 tracks and 2 acts (interludes) on the EP, Debut single Love As You Want It that was released in late 2019 makes a great appearance as so do other singles released this year, Shaolin and Same As You. We are also met with a brand new track titled "Turn It Up" which sounds like a track from the end of a movie I can just picture the track being played where people are driving a car into a sunset and then they show the credits to the film, such a relaxing upbeat track.

The sound/genre we get from LOAstate is a hive of Hip Hop, Rap and Electronic inspired genres, Very heavily inspired by the likes of Kendrick Lamar and Kanye West.

